Research Publications
Here is the consolidated document with details of research published by our staff. Click Here
Executive Summary of Minor Research Project Work done by Dr. D. JIM REEVES SILENT NIGHT, Director of Physical Education. Click Here
Department of Computer Science (S.F)
2022 – 2023
- A. Kavitha, “Artificial Intelligence on Emerging Trends of Healthcare and Medicine”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 10 (3), 2022, 2349-5162.
- R. Sahaya Jeya Sutha, Dr.D.S.Mahendran, Dr.S.John Peter, “An Efficient Content Based Image Retrieval using Block Truncation Coding”, Neuro Quantology, 20 (8), 2022, 1303-5150.
- A. Kavitha, “Emerging Aspects of Artificial Intelligence for Smart Life”, Engineering and Scientific International Journal, 8 (3), 2021, 2394-7187.
- M. Jeyanthi, “ Statistical Based Feature Selection Approaches for Motor Imagery EEG Signals Brain Computer Interface”, IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, 11 (11), 2021, 2319 1775.
- M. Jeyanthi, C.Velayutham, S.JohnPeter, “A Statistical Based Approach for Normalization Techniques from EEG Signals in Brain Computer Interface”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 10 (2), 2021, 2319-8753.
- M. Jeyanthi, “Classification of Motor Imagery EEG Signals in Brain Computer Interface Based on Machine Learning Techniques”, Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research, 8, 2022, 2777 – 7067.
- M. Jeyanthi, “Feature Normalization Effects on Motor Imaginery EEG Signals Classification in Brain Computer Interface”, Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research, 8, 2022, 2777 – 7067
- Dr. D. Bennet, “A Novel Liveness Detection System for Biometric Authentication system using Random Forest and Texture-Gray level”, Design Engineering 1, 2022, 001-9341.
- A. Kavitha, “A Review On Cloud Computing Technology, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 9 (2), 2020,2319-8753.
- J.P. Medlin Julia, Dr. Bennet, “Weed Detection and Classification using ICA based SVM Classifier”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (ITRTE), 3 (5), 2020, 2277-3878
- A. Kavitha, “Deep Learning for Smart Agriculture”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2021, 2278-0181.
- M. Jeyanthi, C.Velayutham, S.JohnPeter, “A Statistical based approach for feature extraction from EEG signals”, Design Engineering, 8, 2021, 0011-9342.
- M. Jeyanthi, C.Velayutham, S.JohnPeter, “A Novel Classification approaches for EEG signals in Brain Computer Interface”, Design Engineering, 2021 (8), 2021, 0011-9342.
- M. Jeyanthi, “Performance Evaluation of Discretization Approaches Using Motor Imagery Based EEG Signals Classification in Brain Computer Interface”, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 13 (2), 2021, 1308-5581.
- A. Kavitha, “An Emerging Development In IoT”, Studies in Indian Place Names, 40 (87), 2020, 2394-3114.
- A. Kavitha, “A Review On Multimodal Biometric Systems”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 7 (3), 2020, 2349-5162.
- A. Kavitha, “A Review on Machine Learning Algorithms and their Applications”, International Research Journal of engineering and Technology(IRJET), 7 (3), 2020, 2395-0056.
- A. Kavitha, “Artificial Intelligence In Biometrics And Security”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, 6 (11), 2020, 2349-6002.
- M. Jeyanthi, C.Velayutham, “Machine Learning Verdict of EEG Signals in Brain Computer Interface”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology,.3 (8), 2018, 2456-3307.
- M. Jeyanthi, C.Velayutham, “Analysis of Information Gain Ranking Feature Selection Algorithm Using UCI Machine Learning Datasets”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 6 (2), 2019, 2349-5162.
- N.G.Sree Devi, M. Jeyanthi, “Comparative Analysis of Classification Algorithm Using Machine Learning Technique”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 6 (2), 2019, 2349-5162.
- R. Sahaya Jeya Sutha, Dr.D.S.Mahendran, Dr.S.John Peter, “A Review on Feature Extraction Techniques for CBIR with different BTC methods”, International Journal of Emerging Techniques and Innovative Research, 6 (2), 2019, 2349-5162