Dr. D. S. Mahendran is a rare combination of a great researcher, astounding scholar, committed teacher and an able administrator.
He is known for his selfless devotion and dedication to the cause of education. His contribution to the growth of the college is immense.
He studied B.Sc., Physics in Aditanar College, M.Sc., Physics in N.M.S.S.V.N College, Madurai, and P.B.D.C.S.A. from VOC College, Tuticorin, M.Phil and Ph.D in Computer Science from Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
He has organized 14 Seminars / Workshops, participated in 20 National and International Conferences and acted as a Resource Person in 35 Seminars / Workshops. His papers have been published in 33 National and International journals. 12 students have got their M.Phil. Degree, 6 candidates completed Ph.D under his supervision.
He has three books to his credit as an editor. He served as an Associate NCC Officer (Naval Wing) for nearly 23 years from 1992 to 2015. He has attended 6 State Level Camps and 15 National Level Camps.
For his remarkable service in NCC he received the National Award – Director General NCC Commendation card & Medal in 2013 from the Director General NCC, New Delhi.
His contribution to the college is astounding in the sense that he has served in the Student Welfare and Discipline Committee, Career Counseling and Placement Cell, Anti-Ragging Squad, Staff Welfare Committee, NCC Ceremonial Committee, UGC Development Grants Committee and IQAC.
He was a member of the Board of studies in many Colleges and Universities. He is indefatigable and deeply committed to his profession. Being a workaholic, he is admired by almost all the Students, Teachers and the Management.